Probably got 20 mill just for turning up that last two fightsAs soon as I saw him in the corner before the fight , you could tell he didn't want to be in there.
Probably got 20 mill just for turning up that last two fightsAs soon as I saw him in the corner before the fight , you could tell he didn't want to be in there.
Carnage aint boxing.Shame what’s happened to wilder. He might not be the most polished but he was so bloody exciting 6 years ago. Was proper carnage watching him
Fought a long line of bums. He was always going to get found out at the proper level.Said years a go he would get found out.
Don't like him never have .
A juiced up, coked up, overly fat fury was never all that either. Massaged career.Fought a long line of bums. He was always going to get found out at the proper level.
who T F is frank smith?
CEO of matchroom, or director if I spelled it wrongwho T F is frank smith?
Nick Ball, blue or red??