I wouldn't hold your breath Welts, those TV bastids hardly ever reply. I have sent them hundreds of emails and letters winding them up and asking for all sorts of things. I clearly have too much time on my hands....random example.
"Dear Sir/Madam,
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Patrick Stone and I am the worlds first (and I am quite sure - only) 'Punk Gardener'.
I have been landscaping the gardens of Lancashire for nearly 4 years and 28 days. My 'twist' is that I make-over the gardens with a real 'punk' edge.
People have genuinely loved my creations.
I have painted lawns pink with a blue border, given conifers wild and crazy mohicans and pierced several sheds. All of which has been met with the crazed scream of "You should get your own show! On the telly!"
Literally everyone has loved my work (apart from an elderly lady but she has since sadly passed on). I could happily send you detailed plans and diagrams of my dotty creations if you require (I would love you to see them). I think you will agree, my work is definitely in the public interest and would make a highly entertaining show (possibly to be shown on a Thursday night).
I would really appreciate feedback from you regarding my chances of securing a television deal with you. I look forward to your reply.
Regards, Patrick Stone (Punk Gardener)"