Player Valuation: £10m
At the end of the day both these managers have decided to go to clubs that will hit win percentages in order to prove they are world class managers. They could have waited for the glamour clubs to need them to keep it high and that would make them bad eggs if that sort of thing mattered. For both our sakes we can only hope that those win percentages creep up to their usual standards and when they come to leave the club it's in a better situation than when they took over.
Good thoughts Binman and let's hope it works out for all of us

About Jose, still "World Class." lol, NO.
Before we got him (while he was still at Man Utd,) I thought he was a toxic, old fashioned dinosaur of a manager who was way past he's peak and would never again get a top job.
This turned out to be quite true but he somehow then got the Spurs job, a posistion I thought was bigger and better than he would be able to get.
When he joined Spurs he was obviously told by Levy that it isn't going to be he's normal M.O. of being a cheque book manager/mega money to spend so it's good that Levy will keep him in check regarding buying older expensive signings left behind when he gets sacked in 3 years.
I of course I hope I'm wrong and he does well but I would guess there is a 50% chance that like at almost every club he's managed, it could go toxic?
My overall feeling is he only joined Spurs cos he is old and he is on he's way "down the ladder."