I'll take down dat coal powered MG, I tel u Hwat
Carlo been a flakeAfternoon everyone
Carlo been a flakeAfternoon everyone
Legend play. He does what he wants.Carlo been a flake
We will see about that. Wait till I get a hold of'em.Legend play. He does what he wants.
What have you been up to?Good Xxx
Here he was lolHere he is
Here he was lol
I guess Alexa is keeping him very entertained. I'm starting to get jealous.The Carlos way these days it seems.
I guess Alexa is keeping him very entertained. I'm starting to get jealous.
I haven't lolOh god I forgot about that.
You mean ignoring US this way. I’m truly devastated.@carlos21 you think you're better than me? Ignoring me this way. You abandonment us serfs?