I believe that the Turner prize is for young artists residing in the UK. I'm in DK, so I wouldn't qualify. But it's an idea and all sorts of art is acceptable over here. The gist of "FeLINE" is very good, though. But it would be livened up if within the line of [Poor language removed], there were segments of tapeworm, and lying on top of that, a buttered knife as evidence that the worktop was indeed a food preparation area. Mmmmm.
Fancy dinner around our place, Reidy?
I believe that the Turner prize is for young artists residing in the UK. I'm in DK, so I wouldn't qualify. But it's an idea and all sorts of art is acceptable over here. The gist of "FeLINE" is very good, though. But it would be livened up if within the line of [Poor language removed], there were segments of tapeworm, and lying on top of that, a buttered knife as evidence that the worktop was indeed a food preparation area. Mmmmm.
Fancy dinner around our place, Reidy?
Loking at past Turner Prize winners I think you could be on a winner here, if not you could turn it inot a nice advertising campaign for McDonalds.
My neighbours cat had its kittens in our garden shed ,shits all over the place ,goes fishing in my pond and killed a £40 koi and what does she say "oh shes a little scamp" heres the £40 and Im sorry about your shed would have been better.oh she also puts pellets around her garden to discourage it from using it as a toilet her words,dont dislike either, what i dont like is.......
cats coming crapping in my garden. why is it cat owners let them out to wander and shoite everywhere, why is it 'stray' cats arent captured and taken to the pound. my neighbour recently informed me that her cat just loves my garden and going between the flowers, she then asked why the kids hadnt done as much planting & gardening this year.....is it the weather ? NO !! it's all the catshoite and the diseases that it can cause.
dogs crapping all over the footpaths and playing fields and their owners just walking away and leaving it for my children to stand in.
by the way neb, did you not think of removing the worktop and submitting it for the turner prize ?
titled ...... feLINE
Over fifty years ago the rag and bone man walked the streets giving day old chicks for rags and being a spoilt only child I got 6 and helped my dad fix a cage in the back for them, next morning all where dead killed by the cat next door,even now I remember.to say I was upset was putting it mildly yet I was sent to bed for throwing stones at the cat apparently I was cruel but the cat was just being a cat:huh:there is the issue that cats go out 'hunting' and killing wildlife, if you say you dont like them you are noted as being an animal hater yet the reasons could well be that they kill YOUR animals.
there is the issue that cats go out 'hunting' and killing wildlife, if you say you dont like them you are noted as being an animal hater yet the reasons could well be that they kill YOUR animals.
I love cats but don't have one right now.
Have a dog though.
Somehow I think that the number of animals killed by cats doesn't even come near to the amount killed by man.
the number of turds in gardens deposited by cats compared to man will balance that out neb.
thing is why are cats allowed to roam free but dogs not ? domestic breeds of cat have been taken to countries where they are descimating the native species of birds and small mammals, why is this o.k. ?
if i see 1 in my garden i throw a stone at it, this goes for dogs too btw and also jehovas witnesses.
rs get rocks not stones.