People need to seriously consider whether it is appropriate to offer unswerving support to their armed forces. I don't see why it is always seen as a virtuous action to offer support. If the military action being taken is aggressive, unjust, illegal or just morally wrong, support should not be offered without criticism.
This veneration without question of armed forces around the world is always played upon by unsavoury politicians (look at what Trump does atm with his constant mention of 'vets' and 'our patriot armed forces') as a means to get effective public support for their military interventions. Yes, they are men and women who are sent into dangerous situations by their politicians, but that does not automatically make them heroes and it does not automatically make them worthy of our support. It is possible to wish that no harm befalls them without giving tacit support to their actions. People need to realise that.
This Tosun situation is just awful. Personally I wouldn't care if it was Messi doing it at our club - I want him gone.