Barry is already suspended. He's playing it safe not losing bothLol besic off
Barry is teflon lads
Barry is already suspended. He's playing it safe not losing bothLol besic off
Barry is teflon lads
Hypercritical me thinks, defensively we've been quality. And hey look who it is James McCarthy!
Kones better at holding up the ballwhy would you take lukaku off? i don't think anyone else's had a shot. would get mirallas on for naismith and mccarthy on for barry myself - won't happen though
Barry just got his 10th booking.
If Besic got booked, we're down to 1 defensive mid who's just bac from injury
Barry just got his 10th booking.
If Besic got booked, we're down to 1 defensive mid who's just bac from injury
Today makes sense. Barry has a 2 match ban coming up so you can't afford to lose Besic for the same matches too by getting sent off.Why is Barry not off but Besic comes off all the time! I would be fuming if I was Besic!
Barry misses the next game regardless so Besic is the smart sub as we'd be screwed if we miss them both
Hat is wrong with this manager