Our form in the capital is fluffin' atrocious - worse than our terrible run at the pit was. Last win at Stamford Bridge was '94. We haven't beaten Arsenal since '96.Haven’t won here since 1994 and still haven’t realised you can’t win a game unless you try and win a game.
There’s a lot we can’t do properly lolCan’t even take a flippin’ throw in properly.
zero aggression, zero ambition, zero football!Our players are standing off and shirking out of tackles. It's like they're accepting defeat already. Iwobi inparticular won't put a tackle in.
tv and iPad live next to each other lolEire 10 - 6 Sasana
In the 6 nations btw.
I hope his phone battery is flat after the game.Iwobi inparticular won't put a tackle in.