A long time ago but I remember seeing Cliff play ,I seem to remember he was a bright lad .
All the posts about how hard it would have been for him then are bit wide of the mark ,it has been for many decades and still is if we believe the press .
Yes I see all the kneeling and touching parts of the top but the truth is that there is a lot more to be done before we can do any patting on backs .
It is time for a true assessment not some sort of pleasing gesture to sort this out ,there should be life bans mandatory bans not slaps on the wrist ,we have the technology to do more now .
I now live in Finland and have come to live the life of a foreigner ,yes I am white but I have seen the way people are treated out of ignorance and Finland is not as far as I know against colour or creed .So how it must be for an English person to be treated like that in his own country is a total mystery to me .
It should stop now.