Yes, there is a clique. It is fairly exclusive, circa 20 members tops.
That being, members of the forum who have been around longer / post the most and frequently collude with each other to insult, demean the views of more 'junior' posters for their own perverse enjoyment.
The clique will often side with other clique members, irrespective of the merits of their views. A 'flock' or 'herd' (I believe this is the correct collective noun) of clique members will also round upon individuals who demean other clique members in isolation.
In this sense, it's similar to the masons in being a secretive, fraternal organisation. But, as the identities of clique members will always remain unknown, it's like Fight Club.
I do believe there are high-ranking members of GOT, whom sadly and tragically believe themselves to be in the clique, but actually are not sufficiently trusted / privileged to be welcomed into the inner circle / Whatsapp group.