He was getting interviewed from massive property in the Bahamas, so he must have squirrelled away at least a few million. Doesn't fit with his narrative that he's skint.Recon he would of made loads of money? Would it of been worth it basically?
Same always happens with these bloaters. Can’t see them having to get a job at McDonalds on their releaseHe was getting interviewed from massive property in the Bahamas, so he must have squirrelled away at least a few million. Doesn't fit with his narrative that he's skint.
Yep, he made an awful lot of money. He is also likely to get a long time in jail and I personally wouldn’t trade thousands for even a night in an American jail, they are extremely unpleasant and frequently end in people dying either by their own hand or that of others.Recon he would of made loads of money? Would it of been worth it basically?
Both 'name' professors of law at Stanford. Dad's up to his eyeballs in the whole thing. Very possible that his own defense, and his wife's, will be to let SBF burn.