I’m sure your lass would be well pleased if she found out you were boasting to the lads on a football forum that she can fire basketballs from her butt. And they say chivalry is dead..... words fail mebasketballs mush..
you lads need to get out more instead of trying to insult me !
Thread opened by an attention seeker. Complains when he gets attention.
What did you expect would happen?
didn't expect to see you in here mush.
stroking my ego !
you don't understand me mush ..You call having people laugh at your expense and you getting upset about it, stroking your ego? You are one weird guy.
You call having people laugh at your expense and you getting upset about it, stroking your ego? You are one weird guy.
I’m sure your lass would be well pleased if she found out you were boasting to the lads on a football forum that she can fire basketballs from her butt. And they say chivalry is dead..... words fail me
im weird ??
your in here , reading and commenting on a dating thread about a weird guy on the internet..
have a think about that !
Not sure you understand the internet pal.
Weird needy people who create threads about fake girlfriends and the subsequent hilarity that ensues is what makes forums interesting and funny.
Franks lash is out at lads because his bird is giving out to lads? Shame
I don't think this thread is for you son
Frank lashing out at lads because his bird is giving out to lads? Shame