Obviously I hope he's okay and that he's avoiding posting by choice as opposed to health issues etc
That being said, I have little time for deliberate contrarians on the internet
I think the internet, and the world in general, would be better off if people just spoke truthfully
Joining an internet forum and then going into every thread to take the contrarian stance in order to wind people up, even when one argument you're making contradicts another one, just isn't a nice way to be IMO
What makes it worse is that Dave generally has very little in the way of charm. Most of how he does it is quite nasty and unpleasant, to the point that I don't think he's a very nice person in "real life" either
Just my view on it anyway. I know it won't be popular with some, but it's how I feel. I think most people that have met me in the real world would tell you that I'm broadly similar in the way I talk to and treat people there as I am on here. If Dave actually behaves in the real world the way he does in here....then I don't know how he doesn't get chinned on a weekly basis