Wasn’t expecting this at all.. I think he should be starting for us, he has all of the ability and by all accounts had a good preseason/is in great shape.
The only explanations could be:
1. The player himself isn’t happy, and wants to play every week. Or simply doesn’t fancy himself as good enough anymore.
2. We don’t think we’re getting bang for our buck and want to cut the deal before the add ons kick in.
From what I’ve seen, it looks like £10m for every 20 appearances, up to £40m? That’s £10m in 7 games’ time, and £20m total in 27 games.
There might just be better value out there for £20m.
If we receive any fee, I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of sell on % we would owe Spurs.
I recall hearing a footie journalist on the radio , think it was Henry Winter , pre season , saying that if Everton moved Alli on ( I presume h meant sold him ) that it created a requirement to pay Spurs a fee .Does it? We didn’t pay anything initially so if we haven’t paid them anything then sell him for £1m it would show as a profit on the books?
According to Henry Winter he hasLevy isn't an idiot. He will have protected Spurs somehow in this.
CorrectThe fee will only kick in at 20 apps.
But with the possibility of us just flipping him before that, then I am absolutely certain Spurs will get something out of it if we did that.
No way they give us him for free to just flip for profit before the 20 apps.