Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I'm on vacation at the moment. Left on Sunday. I literally couldn't leave the bed Saturday. I threw up twice Sunday morning. My wife yelled at me aggressively until I got in the car and drove here. Apparently that's what I needed at the time. I've felt like absolutely crap since last Wednesday with panic attacks everywhere. What's that, it's 2am and you simply woke up? Panic attack.

I tried, repeatedly, to get out of this. It might sounds like Im unhappy with this out her but I'm not I thanked her, repeatedly, the last 2 nights because there's no chance I could get here without that.

I KNOW something is wrong. I also am about as sure as you can that it's all in my mind. And that kind of makes it worse. I've been to 50+ countries. I love to talk to people. As it stands simply being in public makes me melt down.

I honestly hate life.
Where are you mate? You had this before? Any idea what's triggered it? I used to panic loads before holidays, worried about missing fights etc... Take deep breaths and take yourself away from the situation then try and identify what's triggering them

I'm on vacation at the moment. Left on Sunday. I literally couldn't leave the bed Saturday. I threw up twice Sunday morning. My wife yelled at me aggressively until I got in the car and drove here. Apparently that's what I needed at the time. I've felt like absolutely crap since last Wednesday with panic attacks everywhere. What's that, it's 2am and you simply woke up? Panic attack.

I tried, repeatedly, to get out of this. It might sounds like Im unhappy with this out her but I'm not I thanked her, repeatedly, the last 2 nights because there's no chance I could get here without that.

I KNOW something is wrong. I also am about as sure as you can that it's all in my mind. And that kind of makes it worse. I've been to 50+ countries. I love to talk to people. As it stands simply being in public makes me melt down.

I honestly hate life.

As much as I hate to say this mate and you probably already know this deep down, you need professional help, as from what you describe, this isn’t going to go away anytime soon.

Start with your GP and take it from there.

They may give you a short course of sedatives, which will help calm down the anxiety in the short term.

However, you need to get to the root cause of what’s causing these panic attacks and work on that.

There’s also a lot of stuff online and support groups too, as it’s more common than you may think.

I’d say that most people either know someone or have suffered something similar, at some point in their lives, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Something is going on with your brain, that needs re programming.
I'm on vacation at the moment. Left on Sunday. I literally couldn't leave the bed Saturday. I threw up twice Sunday morning. My wife yelled at me aggressively until I got in the car and drove here. Apparently that's what I needed at the time. I've felt like absolutely crap since last Wednesday with panic attacks everywhere. What's that, it's 2am and you simply woke up? Panic attack.

I tried, repeatedly, to get out of this. It might sounds like Im unhappy with this out her but I'm not I thanked her, repeatedly, the last 2 nights because there's no chance I could get here without that.

I KNOW something is wrong. I also am about as sure as you can that it's all in my mind. And that kind of makes it worse. I've been to 50+ countries. I love to talk to people. As it stands simply being in public makes me melt down.

I honestly hate life.
The world has changed enormously, especially as it relates to travelling, etc. Maybe it's anxiety surrounding that? In any event, if you aren't sure then talking it out with a professional is the way to go.
What do you need to do to move forward mate? Are you happy at work? Is it life at home? Or is it something else making you unhappy?.
I always feel happy when my week at work has gone well and then I get out at the weekend for a run. I feel like absolute crap if I don't get a couple of runs in a week. It just clears my head.

It went OK I think but not really solved anything. I'm in a bigger mess now maybe the worse ever. I just wish it was all over
You sharing wasn't supposed to " solve " anything blueclouds. It was hopefully another person who could understand and support you if you were struggling. You are very depressed my friend, did you answer my question I can't remember? Have you been to the Drs to discuss your feelings. Common practice is to prescribe medication.

The purpose and hope of which is to elevate your mood to the extent where you no longer wish to harm / kill yourself. Once the " suicidal ideation " has dissapated you can start to work on the things that have caused your mental distress. Your family situation is the primary causal effect of your depression. Here's the good part Blue, circumstances re: your family can improve, can start to look better wherebye whilst they may not be perfect, they become more " bearable " for you. BUT WE ARE IN MY OPINION BLUE, LOOKING TOO FAR AHEAD !. Your main priority Blue is staying safe and trying to change your mind set from " wishing it was all over ".

Ive never said on here, what I'm going to say now, but you expressing you wish it was all over, is very concerning. As such, I think you need to see a mental health professional ( s ). They carry out what's called a MHA - mental health act assessment with you. A psychiatrist , social worker carry out an assessment of your mental state. If they deem it neccessary due to you wishing to " end it all " they have a duty of care to maintain your safety. They may put in place a package of care to help you cope, also available, an option of inpatient care where you will be looked after in hospital.

If you continue to feel so low and you feel like ending your life Blue, could I suggest you present yourself to A / E and tell them your having thoughts of wanting to end your life. They will arrange for you to see the On call mental health team. Am I saying you need to go to hospital? . A catagorical NO but I do think your mental state is very concerning and if you were in my care I would be worried. You need help my friend and that help is there.

If by the time you read this post, you are better mentally, then great. However if you continue to wish it " would all end " and your very depressed and anxious, then I would hope you could follow my suggestion. You need help buddy, your in a very precarious state of mind. Take care and I wish you all the best Blue.

place and it
I'm on vacation at the moment. Left on Sunday. I literally couldn't leave the bed Saturday. I threw up twice Sunday morning. My wife yelled at me aggressively until I got in the car and drove here. Apparently that's what I needed at the time. I've felt like absolutely crap since last Wednesday with panic attacks everywhere. What's that, it's 2am and you simply woke up? Panic attack.

I tried, repeatedly, to get out of this. It might sounds like Im unhappy with this out her but I'm not I thanked her, repeatedly, the last 2 nights because there's no chance I could get here without that.

I KNOW something is wrong. I also am about as sure as you can that it's all in my mind. And that kind of makes it worse. I've been to 50+ countries. I love to talk to people. As it stands simply being in public makes me melt down.

I honestly hate life.
Riddick you said you love to talk to people but at the moment you can't and the thought of it makes you want to throw up. Might I suggest that because you like to talk, if you went out, there would be a real expectation that you are you, will talk and be chatty when at the moment you really don't feel like talking. THAT is what's making you anxious, expectations. However, Riddick there's a reason behind your drop in mood, anxiety and a possible lack of confidence. If you haven't, tell friends loved ones your mentally struggling, and as friends family they will support you. A visit to the GP may be best, see what he / she says and take it from there. Your not a seal, not a performer being chatty and happy at the behest of people. You sound as though you have a lot on your plate. Take things easier, be less self anylitical and visit your GP and start the process of healing. Our minds are wonderfully things, initiating thoughts of love, hope anger and excitement but sometimes fella, it needs a rest, to be shut down and to recouperate. Be good to yourself, be pro active if you can in trying to identify what's going on and above all take your time in healing, I promise there will be time to address your problems, but not when your struggling fella. Take care.

It went OK I think but not really solved anything. I'm in a bigger mess now maybe the worse ever. I just wish it was all over
I was given some advice when I was at a really low ebb and could see no way out. This may not be for you but I think it is worth sharing: Accept that you feel this way and know that this feeling will pass, it is only temporary. However bad things may seem they are probably nowhere near as bad as you think. I hope you are able to reach out and the get professional help you need. All the very best.
I'm on vacation at the moment. Left on Sunday. I literally couldn't leave the bed Saturday. I threw up twice Sunday morning. My wife yelled at me aggressively until I got in the car and drove here. Apparently that's what I needed at the time. I've felt like absolutely crap since last Wednesday with panic attacks everywhere. What's that, it's 2am and you simply woke up? Panic attack.

I tried, repeatedly, to get out of this. It might sounds like Im unhappy with this out her but I'm not I thanked her, repeatedly, the last 2 nights because there's no chance I could get here without that.

I KNOW something is wrong. I also am about as sure as you can that it's all in my mind. And that kind of makes it worse. I've been to 50+ countries. I love to talk to people. As it stands simply being in public makes me melt down.

I honestly hate life.
Sorry you are suffering from panic attacks, having suffered myself I know how debilitating they can be and knowing that it is all in the mind does not make them any less real. I have had attacks even when I should be relaxing, watching TV for example. I’ve also lost count of the number of times I’ve left my husband standing in the supermarket as I dashed out usually because I spotted someone we knew who would want to stop and chat and I couldn’t bear the thought of standing talking to them. Spotty has suggested a visit to the GP and this is great advice, they were certainly helpful for me with a various treatments, medication, counselling and relaxation classes. Wishing you all the best.
I know I was only on here a few weeks ago saying how well things were going. Unfortunately they've took a nose dive since them posts. I have terminal cancer which I've been living with for the last 2 years. It seems to have taken a turn for the worse and I'm in some discomfort and low level pain and my last scan reported worsening of my overall condition although interestingly the cancer hasn't really spread. I'm not really sure how I'm meant to feel at the minute it's just general disappointment at the moment. I'm trying to avoid being sad as I don't think it will do me any good.
Hey mate, just checking on you. How are you doing?
Hey mate, just checking on you. How are you doing?

Evening, ìts very nice of you to check on me. I'm ok I suppose. I've been to see my GP and they are looking into what might be happening with my condition. The problem is it all takes time. This heat isn't the best for me as it is making it difficult to sleep. Hopefully it will cool a little bit soon.

How are you?
Evening, ìts very nice of you to check on me. I'm ok I suppose. I've been to see my GP and they are looking into what might be happening with my condition. The problem is it all takes time. This heat isn't the best for me as it is making it difficult to sleep. Hopefully it will cool a little bit soon.

How are you?
I’m sorry you are having to deal with so much heat, it seems so many people around the world are having to encounter such heat waves and it can get very uncomfortable. Let’s hope the weather goddesses will have some pity and send some cool weather over the UK soon. Hopefully your GP will also be able to figure out more about your condition and how to improve it. Im sure it must be hard for you not to get answers right away but try to stay strong and positive, but whenever you feel down and need to chat don’t hesitate to reach out.

I’m doing well, we are currently driving to
Florida for a short break. We will be going to watch Everton and hopefully James on Sunday. This may be our chance to get a trophy so I’m excited about watching our Blues.

I’m sorry you are having to deal with so much heat, it seems so many people around the world are having to encounter such heat waves and it can get very uncomfortable. Let’s hope the weather goddesses will have some pity and send some cool weather over the UK soon. Hopefully your GP will also be able to figure out more about your condition and how to improve it. Im sure it must be hard for you not to get answers right away but try to stay strong and positive, but whenever you feel down and need to chat don’t hesitate to reach out.

I’m doing well, we are currently driving to
Florida for a short break. We will be going to watch Everton and hopefully James on Sunday. This may be our chance to get a trophy so I’m excited about watching our Blues.

Don't pin to many hopes on Everton they have a bad habit of letting you down!! Is it a long drive to Florida from where you live? Hopefully James will play and avoid injury so he is raring to go at the start of the season.

It seems a common theme with this weather all over the world. I will be very grateful if it cools down although I know people will be cursing me!! My condition is so unique I've become used to this slow way of finding anything out. I have a really bloated stomach at the minute so if nothing else I'm hoping they can come up with something to make me a little less bloated. That would make things a little more comfortable. I will keep you informed of any progress.
Don't pin to many hopes on Everton they have a bad habit of letting you down!! Is it a long drive to Florida from where you live? Hopefully James will play and avoid injury so he is raring to go at the start of the season.

It seems a common theme with this weather all over the world. I will be very grateful if it cools down although I know people will be cursing me!! My condition is so unique I've become used to this slow way of finding anything out. I have a really bloated stomach at the minute so if nothing else I'm hoping they can come up with something to make me a little less bloated. That would make things a little more comfortable. I will keep you informed of any progress.
That I’m beginning to learn but I’m the forever hopeful so I’m envisioning a win. Moreover, now that Arsenal and Milan pulled out we have immediately qualify to the final so it almost seems like we should have a good chance but the Colombian team we are playing against has an excellent coach so it won’t be easy. Let’s see what Benitez does and if his tactics work against Millonarios. Seeing James play will be delightful

Yes, that’s the new trend because of global warming. Unfortunately this weather patterns may become a permanent thing so we are all going have to find a way to adjust.

It would be great if your GP can figure out how to make you comfortable regarding your bloating. If they can help you get through this discomfort then that would be the first step in the right direction and you deserve such relief.
I'm on vacation at the moment. Left on Sunday. I literally couldn't leave the bed Saturday. I threw up twice Sunday morning. My wife yelled at me aggressively until I got in the car and drove here. Apparently that's what I needed at the time. I've felt like absolutely crap since last Wednesday with panic attacks everywhere. What's that, it's 2am and you simply woke up? Panic attack.

I tried, repeatedly, to get out of this. It might sounds like Im unhappy with this out her but I'm not I thanked her, repeatedly, the last 2 nights because there's no chance I could get here without that.

I KNOW something is wrong. I also am about as sure as you can that it's all in my mind. And that kind of makes it worse. I've been to 50+ countries. I love to talk to people. As it stands simply being in public makes me melt down.

I honestly hate life.
Mate, how are you today? Please know there are loads here in support of you and willing to talk. Will echo earlier comments that panic attacks should be addressed professionally, with no shame or judgment. It is my sincere wish and hope for you that you are willing and able to seek that help, on your own or with the assistance of family. Reach out anytime, mate.
Don't pin to many hopes on Everton they have a bad habit of letting you down!! Is it a long drive to Florida from where you live? Hopefully James will play and avoid injury so he is raring to go at the start of the season.

It seems a common theme with this weather all over the world. I will be very grateful if it cools down although I know people will be cursing me!! My condition is so unique I've become used to this slow way of finding anything out. I have a really bloated stomach at the minute so if nothing else I'm hoping they can come up with something to make me a little less bloated. That would make things a little more comfortable. I will keep you informed of any progress.
Btw, we live in North Carolina so the drive was a little bit over 7 hours, we just arrive to St. Augustine and it is hot and humid but im Colombian so it doesn’t bother me as much. My anguish is the AC, my husband likes to keep it so cold that even during the summer I have to wear a sweater or I will be freezing.
Btw, we live in North Carolina so the drive was a little bit over 7 hours, we just arrive to St. Augustine and it is hot and humid but im Colombian so it doesn’t bother me as much. My anguish is the AC, my husband likes to keep it so cold that even during the summer I have to wear a sweater or I will be freezing.

I feel your pain because in an ironic twist I don't like the cold either!! I have about a 4 degree operating window if its any hotter/colder I complain.

That's a long drive I'm glad you've made it safely. Hope the accommodation you are checked into can keep both you and your husband the right temperature.

The warm weather will probably favour tge Colombian side but hopefully Everton can overcome this.


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