Heartbreaking post fella and I'm truly sorry for the way your feeling. Is your wife open to a discussion about how devastating her texts are? Will she listen and would she stop sending them if you asked her not to? Sadly I suspect not. The obvious " solution " would be to put her on ignore or at least only communicate with her via a direct call. If I was in your position and I know this is hard because your little one is the one protective factor in your life, I would keep communication with her to an absolute minimum. I don't know how often you see the bairn but your ex knows you have mental health issues and she keeps talking down to you. That tells me bud there's some real vindictiveness on her part. It's cruel and you do not deserve it. Rack your brain as hard as you can to see if you can square the circle of still seeing the young one as much as possible but keeping your communication with her to a bare minimum. I only wish she was amenable to a mature conversation about the effects of her texts are having. Keep your contact - I know you will bud - with the young one as much as possible but it's imperative your not left with the love of your child as the only thing " keeping you going". You have a life to live, to enjoy, and yes, you have a lot to give others my friend. Stay strong, concentrate on the things that make your contented and like I say, if she refuses to stop the bile she's throwing your way, you MUST find a way to minimize the contact you have with her. If you feel the need message me directly and I shall help in anyway I can, especially mate if your desperate. Take care and all the best. By the way, when you have a child who says that to you you really do have EVERYTHING.