@GwladysBlue @the esk @bizzaro Thanks ever so much for those suggestions. Really means a lot! I've made plans to have a study day tomorrow at the library with another guy from my course so hopefully that will help. I definitely agree about structure. It's probably the hardest thing to achieve for me- given my sleep (not helped by the meds I'm on I think) is always over the place. I visited the doctor this week and I've been referred back to the psychiatrist so I am trying to get it in order. Three deadlines for this week so I'm going to try my best to meet them as I haven't asked for an extension before and as already mentioned, it's best not to get into that habit. Here's hoping. Thanks so much for your words though!
Insomnia is common symptom of depression. Probably associated with your work anxiety. It'll ease.
Try to stay focused whem you're working. A study partner helps but don't get distracted. If the library has individual study rooms take one.
Meet your friend for 5/10 min coffee break (after hour or so) and lunch break.
Remember structure and discipline to your plan.
It'll all come right.
Also don't view the essays as too difficult
Like climbing mountains break it onto sections of the climb. Plan it out for 15 minutes when you start.
Spend some time reading to know the topic. First.
Literally it sounds like work related stress.
So planning and structure to your time is vital. Reduce anxiety and make you happier in it.