I've posted on here before about my son. We've been having trouble with him again over the last 6 months. Severe anxiety and depression. He's 13 (14 in August). He's not been out of the house in 4 weeks and not been to school for 2 months. We had to take him to hospital about 7 weeks ago because he was talking of suicide and he cut himself. Worryingly for me, he's recently started having some bad experiences overnight. He can't sleep and imagines he's hearing things, seeing things, thinks people are coming for him, the dog might attack him etc etc. Paranoid delusional type thoughts. It's taken a lot of pushing from our side but we are finally getting some traction with CAMHS. Tomorrow we have a consultant Psychiatrist coming to our house to access him as they are reluctant to put under 16's on medication. He won't leave the house for appointments so we have a CAMHS key worker who visits weekly and has been good. I'm hoping this is going to be a big step towards getting him in a better place. This is no life for a anyone let alone a kid. Not to mention the impact its having on the family.
I read this thread regularly as it shows that he's not alone with his struggles and there is help out there, including those providing help, support and encouragement on this forum.
From what I've seen on here, I've not seen much about people having issues with a child but if anyone is going through something similar then feel free to message me. If I've learnt anything through this nightmare, it's that it's good to talk.