Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

C-section for my gf next Thursday, it's finally happen this time.

The baby is in a breach position which caused a bit of stress and they couldn't move it. Gf bit more relaxed about a c-section now though, not that natural births are straight forward.

I'm allowed in the hospital for around 4-6 hours before she goes into the recovery birth place with the baby for a night or two before I pick her up. Obviously not idea but we were expecting much less than a few hours for me so got to take what I can.

Then we have the trouble of our famlies wanted to meet the baby through the window and me running around for weeks whilst she recovers from the surgery

Had no antenatal classes, watched some videos so hopefully that's at least something. Apparently a lot comes naturally.

All worth it in the long run, I guess lol
My wife had a planned c-section for our first. She had a low-lying placenta, so it would have been dangerous to have a natural birth. It was weird waking up that morning, knowing she was definitely giving birth and having a scheduled appointment at the hospital.

By next Thursday, I assume you meant next week, not today?

The current climate can make giving birth a more anxious experience than normal, but remember that your girlfriend will be in good hands with the lovely people who work for our NHS.

Watching my two kids being born are the two best moments of my life and I still remember them vividly, so although it may seem daunting (particularly for your gf, of course), try your best to look forward to what will be a special experience for you both.

By the way, although my daughter has no interest in footy, my son is a Blue and posts on GOT.

Feel free to PM me if you need any (probably hopelessly outdated) advice on being a new dad.

All the best for next Thursday and let us know how it goes.
My wife had a planned c-section for our first. She had a low-lying placenta, so it would have been dangerous to have a natural birth. It was weird waking up that morning, knowing she was definitely giving birth and having a scheduled appointment at the hospital.

By next Thursday, I assume you meant next week, not today?

The current climate can make giving birth a more anxious experience than normal, but remember that your girlfriend will be in good hands with the lovely people who work for our NHS.

Watching my two kids being born are the two best moments of my life and I still remember them vividly, so although it may seem daunting (particularly for your gf, of course), try your best to look forward to what will be a special experience for you both.

By the way, although my daughter has no interest in footy, my son is a Blue and posts on GOT.

Feel free to PM me if you need any (probably hopelessly outdated) advice on being a new dad.

All the best for next Thursday and let us know how it goes.

Thanks a lot and yes, next Thursday!
Finally forced the issue today with that firm, stayed on the phone line until one of the managers decided to take a moment and speak to me. Told him not to insult my intelligence with his crap reasoning for not even notifying me that I'd been unsuccessful (I of course gathered that but after being promised some feedback I felt justified in being angry). Just slammed the phone down in the end because clearly they're cowboys who I wasted my time with.

Have left a scathing review online that I'll post below, I think it's fair all things considered and I hope it doesn't come across as too whiny.

Awful dealings with this firm, they promise you communication and nothing ever comes. In my situation I applied for an office position and was asked to come in for face-to-face after passing several phone interviews. I agreed to this even though we are in lockdown (offered to do one over Facetime instead but this was refused). Went for the meeting in the morning and once finished I asked the two men I'd met with when could I expect to hear news one way or another? They specifically said "it will be by the end of today". After that I heard absolutely nothing. Zilch. Not even a generic email saying you've been unsuccessful on this occasion, that would have at least been something. Before long I of course gathered that I hadn't succeeded but still waited for some sort of contact because THEY SPECIFICALLY SAID that they would be in touch with me. Also, I think it's just common courtesy when you consider the fact I was one of only two people who'd reached that final stage (and was the first person interviewed).

I decided call them up after a week of waiting for something and could never get through to anyone. Tried for days, no one ever answered the phone. When I eventually did get through I spoke to a girl, she took my number down and said she'd tell her managers I'd called and someone would be in touch soon. A few more days, still nothing at all. I kept trying and eventually (NINE DAYS after our meeting) someone finally agreed to spare a moment and speak to me. His explanation was rubbish, all he'd say was "we don't give feedback" even though he was actually one of the men who'd point blank told me to my face I would receive contact the week before! Pathetic all things considered, clearly a case work-shy and pompous management. God help you if you have work done on your house by them and need to call their office to ask about something or to complain, I imagine they'll try their best to fob you off as well. I've honestly got no idea what their engineers are like, whether they do a good job, bad job, mediocre job, etc. Just I've learnt from my experience that their communication is truly woeful and the people in charge are very ignorant, they will utterly blank you until you force the issue (and then give you crappy excuses).

A lack of courtesy and breaking your word (with no apologies) says an awful lot about a firm I think. My advice, save yourself the hassle and steer clear.
Finally forced the issue today with that firm, stayed on the phone line until one of the managers decided to take a moment and speak to me. Told him not to insult my intelligence with his crap reasoning for not even notifying me that I'd been unsuccessful (I of course gathered that but after being promised some feedback I felt justified in being angry). Just slammed the phone down in the end because clearly they're cowboys who I wasted my time with.

Have left a scathing review online that I'll post below, I think it's fair all things considered and I hope it doesn't come across as too whiny.

Awful dealings with this firm, they promise you communication and nothing ever comes. In my situation I applied for an office position and was asked to come in for face-to-face after passing several phone interviews. I agreed to this even though we are in lockdown (offered to do one over Facetime instead but this was refused). Went for the meeting in the morning and once finished I asked the two men I'd met with when could I expect to hear news one way or another? They specifically said "it will be by the end of today". After that I heard absolutely nothing. Zilch. Not even a generic email saying you've been unsuccessful on this occasion, that would have at least been something. Before long I of course gathered that I hadn't succeeded but still waited for some sort of contact because THEY SPECIFICALLY SAID that they would be in touch with me. Also, I think it's just common courtesy when you consider the fact I was one of only two people who'd reached that final stage (and was the first person interviewed).

I decided call them up after a week of waiting for something and could never get through to anyone. Tried for days, no one ever answered the phone. When I eventually did get through I spoke to a girl, she took my number down and said she'd tell her managers I'd called and someone would be in touch soon. A few more days, still nothing at all. I kept trying and eventually (NINE DAYS after our meeting) someone finally agreed to spare a moment and speak to me. His explanation was rubbish, all he'd say was "we don't give feedback" even though he was actually one of the men who'd point blank told me to my face I would receive contact the week before! Pathetic all things considered, clearly a case work-shy and pompous management. God help you if you have work done on your house by them and need to call their office to ask about something or to complain, I imagine they'll try their best to fob you off as well. I've honestly got no idea what their engineers are like, whether they do a good job, bad job, mediocre job, etc. Just I've learnt from my experience that their communication is truly woeful and the people in charge are very ignorant, they will utterly blank you until you force the issue (and then give you crappy excuses).

A lack of courtesy and breaking your word (with no apologies) says an awful lot about a firm I think. My advice, save yourself the hassle and steer clear.

Whilst you had a right to be angry try not to burn bridges within industries as companies talk between themselves from experience.

Finally forced the issue today with that firm, stayed on the phone line until one of the managers decided to take a moment and speak to me. Told him not to insult my intelligence with his crap reasoning for not even notifying me that I'd been unsuccessful (I of course gathered that but after being promised some feedback I felt justified in being angry). Just slammed the phone down in the end because clearly they're cowboys who I wasted my time with.

Have left a scathing review online that I'll post below, I think it's fair all things considered and I hope it doesn't come across as too whiny.

Awful dealings with this firm, they promise you communication and nothing ever comes. In my situation I applied for an office position and was asked to come in for face-to-face after passing several phone interviews. I agreed to this even though we are in lockdown (offered to do one over Facetime instead but this was refused). Went for the meeting in the morning and once finished I asked the two men I'd met with when could I expect to hear news one way or another? They specifically said "it will be by the end of today". After that I heard absolutely nothing. Zilch. Not even a generic email saying you've been unsuccessful on this occasion, that would have at least been something. Before long I of course gathered that I hadn't succeeded but still waited for some sort of contact because THEY SPECIFICALLY SAID that they would be in touch with me. Also, I think it's just common courtesy when you consider the fact I was one of only two people who'd reached that final stage (and was the first person interviewed).

I decided call them up after a week of waiting for something and could never get through to anyone. Tried for days, no one ever answered the phone. When I eventually did get through I spoke to a girl, she took my number down and said she'd tell her managers I'd called and someone would be in touch soon. A few more days, still nothing at all. I kept trying and eventually (NINE DAYS after our meeting) someone finally agreed to spare a moment and speak to me. His explanation was rubbish, all he'd say was "we don't give feedback" even though he was actually one of the men who'd point blank told me to my face I would receive contact the week before! Pathetic all things considered, clearly a case work-shy and pompous management. God help you if you have work done on your house by them and need to call their office to ask about something or to complain, I imagine they'll try their best to fob you off as well. I've honestly got no idea what their engineers are like, whether they do a good job, bad job, mediocre job, etc. Just I've learnt from my experience that their communication is truly woeful and the people in charge are very ignorant, they will utterly blank you until you force the issue (and then give you crappy excuses).

A lack of courtesy and breaking your word (with no apologies) says an awful lot about a firm I think. My advice, save yourself the hassle and steer clear.

I’d give it a few days before posting anything mate, cool down a bit and give yourself time to think.

As @Nymzee says the bosses of similar types of firms tend to know each other and it could do you potential damage in the future.
Finally forced the issue today with that firm, stayed on the phone line until one of the managers decided to take a moment and speak to me. Told him not to insult my intelligence with his crap reasoning for not even notifying me that I'd been unsuccessful (I of course gathered that but after being promised some feedback I felt justified in being angry). Just slammed the phone down in the end because clearly they're cowboys who I wasted my time with.

Have left a scathing review online that I'll post below, I think it's fair all things considered and I hope it doesn't come across as too whiny.

Awful dealings with this firm, they promise you communication and nothing ever comes. In my situation I applied for an office position and was asked to come in for face-to-face after passing several phone interviews. I agreed to this even though we are in lockdown (offered to do one over Facetime instead but this was refused). Went for the meeting in the morning and once finished I asked the two men I'd met with when could I expect to hear news one way or another? They specifically said "it will be by the end of today". After that I heard absolutely nothing. Zilch. Not even a generic email saying you've been unsuccessful on this occasion, that would have at least been something. Before long I of course gathered that I hadn't succeeded but still waited for some sort of contact because THEY SPECIFICALLY SAID that they would be in touch with me. Also, I think it's just common courtesy when you consider the fact I was one of only two people who'd reached that final stage (and was the first person interviewed).

I decided call them up after a week of waiting for something and could never get through to anyone. Tried for days, no one ever answered the phone. When I eventually did get through I spoke to a girl, she took my number down and said she'd tell her managers I'd called and someone would be in touch soon. A few more days, still nothing at all. I kept trying and eventually (NINE DAYS after our meeting) someone finally agreed to spare a moment and speak to me. His explanation was rubbish, all he'd say was "we don't give feedback" even though he was actually one of the men who'd point blank told me to my face I would receive contact the week before! Pathetic all things considered, clearly a case work-shy and pompous management. God help you if you have work done on your house by them and need to call their office to ask about something or to complain, I imagine they'll try their best to fob you off as well. I've honestly got no idea what their engineers are like, whether they do a good job, bad job, mediocre job, etc. Just I've learnt from my experience that their communication is truly woeful and the people in charge are very ignorant, they will utterly blank you until you force the issue (and then give you crappy excuses).

A lack of courtesy and breaking your word (with no apologies) says an awful lot about a firm I think. My advice, save yourself the hassle and steer clear.
Best piece of advice I have ever been given - but l still sometimes can't help ignoring. Don't type when you are angry.. Being angry usually dilutes the very valid points you are trying to make because all the reader sees is the anger,
Finally forced the issue today with that firm, stayed on the phone line until one of the managers decided to take a moment and speak to me. Told him not to insult my intelligence with his crap reasoning for not even notifying me that I'd been unsuccessful (I of course gathered that but after being promised some feedback I felt justified in being angry). Just slammed the phone down in the end because clearly they're cowboys who I wasted my time with.

Have left a scathing review online that I'll post below, I think it's fair all things considered and I hope it doesn't come across as too whiny.

Awful dealings with this firm, they promise you communication and nothing ever comes. In my situation I applied for an office position and was asked to come in for face-to-face after passing several phone interviews. I agreed to this even though we are in lockdown (offered to do one over Facetime instead but this was refused). Went for the meeting in the morning and once finished I asked the two men I'd met with when could I expect to hear news one way or another? They specifically said "it will be by the end of today". After that I heard absolutely nothing. Zilch. Not even a generic email saying you've been unsuccessful on this occasion, that would have at least been something. Before long I of course gathered that I hadn't succeeded but still waited for some sort of contact because THEY SPECIFICALLY SAID that they would be in touch with me. Also, I think it's just common courtesy when you consider the fact I was one of only two people who'd reached that final stage (and was the first person interviewed).

I decided call them up after a week of waiting for something and could never get through to anyone. Tried for days, no one ever answered the phone. When I eventually did get through I spoke to a girl, she took my number down and said she'd tell her managers I'd called and someone would be in touch soon. A few more days, still nothing at all. I kept trying and eventually (NINE DAYS after our meeting) someone finally agreed to spare a moment and speak to me. His explanation was rubbish, all he'd say was "we don't give feedback" even though he was actually one of the men who'd point blank told me to my face I would receive contact the week before! Pathetic all things considered, clearly a case work-shy and pompous management. God help you if you have work done on your house by them and need to call their office to ask about something or to complain, I imagine they'll try their best to fob you off as well. I've honestly got no idea what their engineers are like, whether they do a good job, bad job, mediocre job, etc. Just I've learnt from my experience that their communication is truly woeful and the people in charge are very ignorant, they will utterly blank you until you force the issue (and then give you crappy excuses).

A lack of courtesy and breaking your word (with no apologies) says an awful lot about a firm I think. My advice, save yourself the hassle and steer clear.

There’s an old maxim “an action committed in anger is an action committed to failure” and unfortunately it’s true.

If you haven’t already pulled the trigger then don’t. Wait a few days and see how you feel.
Pieta house a charity in Ireland which offers free support to people with mainly self harm, suicidal issues have just had over 1.6 million raised for it on rte television tonight.
Its annual darkness into light walks were cancelled tomorrow and is the main fundraiser for them.
It is a fantastic organisation.
Proud to be Irish tonight..
Donations still accepted if anyone is feeling generous. It will save lives.

C-section for my gf next Thursday, it's finally happen this time.

The baby is in a breach position which caused a bit of stress and they couldn't move it. Gf bit more relaxed about a c-section now though, not that natural births are straight forward.

I'm allowed in the hospital for around 4-6 hours before she goes into the recovery birth place with the baby for a night or two before I pick her up. Obviously not idea but we were expecting much less than a few hours for me so got to take what I can.

Then we have the trouble of our famlies wanted to meet the baby through the window and me running around for weeks whilst she recovers from the surgery

Had no antenatal classes, watched some videos so hopefully that's at least something. Apparently a lot comes naturally.

All worth it in the long run, I guess lol
Our second was born with C section, it will be a tough recovery for her for about 6 weeks, they'll give her plenty of pain meds, you'll be flat out but it's all worth it.
I've heard... Off for four weeks and then probably still working from home after so should be ok, hopefully
Make sure you have everything prepared before hand, the days of just nipping down to the shop to pick up a small few bits are not with us at the moment, plenty of nappies, formula if you are going to use that. One thing that we did that was a blessing was prepared dinners and froze them in lunchboxes, there's alot to be said for taking a lunch box out of the freezer and banging it in the microwave and having a hot meal a few minutes later, casseroles, stews, curries all freeze well even a few boxes of mashed potato microwave one and put a few sausages on the pan and you've got bangers and mash in a few minutes. The more you freeze now the better, it will save so much time over the next few weeks, I know time is against you now but you've still got a few days.
Make sure you have everything prepared before hand, the days of just nipping down to the shop to pick up a small few bits are not with us at the moment, plenty of nappies, formula if you are going to use that. One thing that we did that was a blessing was prepared dinners and froze them in lunchboxes, there's alot to be said for taking a lunch box out of the freezer and banging it in the microwave and having a hot meal a few minutes later, casseroles, stews, curries all freeze well even a few boxes of mashed potato microwave one and put a few sausages on the pan and you've got bangers and mash in a few minutes. The more you freeze now the better, it will save so much time over the next few weeks, I know time is against you now but you've still got a few days.

Thanks a lot.


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