lollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollolWill admin please address the.fidgudting comments in relation to the clubs new manager. The latest one describing him as a pig is an insult that should never be allowed on this site
Because your banned m8.why won't it end well for me
Not Kenwright but if (big if) the other info consho gave in relation to Hickson in that thread is true, it's easy to work out who he was (pretending to be).You're not topping exposing Bill Kenwright's multi.
I want kopite Mr Piggy out of our club.Will admin please address the.fidgudting comments in relation to the clubs new manager. The latest one describing him as a pig is an insult that should never be allowed on this site