Is Clinton already lock ed up?
I've been absent for a couple of days - it is nice to see some of the usual suspects plying their usual wares.
How about a bit of a group challenge, for Donald Trump supporters, Hillary supporters, independents and interested observers? Maybe, just maybe, we can move beyond lock her up and genital grabbing, to see if
@TheFinnFan and others are willing to play a game with a bit more substance than what we've experienced recently.
For each of the major candidates, can someone take on writing a paragraph about the substantive positions of one of the candidates on the following issues:
- International trade
- Second Amendment
- Race relations
- Syria / Iraq / ISIS
- China / Western Pacific / Territorial claims vs Freedom of Navigation
I've only picked 5 issues out of many that are on the radar in the US these days. So, is anyone willing to play along? I am actually serious in this - some of us are quite belligerent in tone for / against a candidate - why is that? what in their positions motivate you?
Of course, you can always just reply "I don't care that much" or toss a grenade like "she's a witch" - but really, that's beneath you and too easy. Take a few minutes to research a position and articulate it!
Come on, do it, or I may have to resurrect the GOT count to 100 thread.....