Not applying it as a rule at all. Applying it as MY rule. It's where my feelings regarding how we should legislate discrimination stem from. I also posit that underneath the edifice of individualism, the vast majority of the social conservative movement live in violation of that rule that through their support of the 2nd Amendment and their hatred of taxes they vocally support. However, a social conservative movement, by definition, pushes people to join the present tribe as it exists, rather than accepting that people want other tribes or to live outside of their own.Stating the obvious, but this is the single doctrine upon which the American identity and American politics are based. That's why the pro-choice and gun-control lobby protect their interests so vehemently (often opposed, and unable to see the perspective of the other side, which often is remarkably similar to their own). But doctrine is also a cultural good, and not accepted by all cultures, much less all Western cultures. To say that many Eastern cultures reject the idea of individual identity/protection is a false premise; many simply cannot begin from a cultural starting place to reach that statement.
So while I agree with you regarding American culture/politics, it is a cultural construct and probably not a rule, as you seem to be applying it here.
A social conservative movement, fundamentally has a problem with individuals living their lives as they see fit. I just find that an interesting observation regarding the same group that so lauds American individualism.
I would argue East Asian cultures are largely socially conservative.