I thought I'd seen it all, but, no.
It might be the second bottle of red, but that's some mangled anglais to simply say Lyon @#$%ed off the rs.Olympique Lyonnais informs that the tripartite negotiations with the Liverpool club and Nabil Fékir for the transfer of the captain of OL have not succeeded and that Olympique Lyonnais has decided to put an end to this negotiation tonight at 20 H.
Although the club Liverpool has been the priority of a possible transfer of Nabil, and subject to other proposals consistent with the interest of Nabil and OL and from ambitious clubs, Olympique Lyonnais is delighted soon to be able to count on the presence of his captain who is a leading rookie for this season 2018/2019 during which the club will play the Champions League being in the 3rd hat of the draw.
I thought I'd seen it all, but, no.
But the jigsaw... the final piece... whose his effing agent? Ramos.He was crap all along!
Apparently they've all been taking the pee out of Davies' outfits or something. Which is a bit rich when their failure of a goalie has a personalised numberplate.
I rest my case.I think the fashion police want to arrest him.
Those Dixie's suit pics last month and that Adidas trackie pic.
Hey he has a unique fashion sense,so what i say.
I thought I'd seen it all, but, no.
I thought I'd seen it all, but, no.