Lads, I think this will be way worse than the 70s and early 80s.
Back then the gulf was only on the the field they were no richer than us.
We always knew EFC was a sleeping giant which would one day stir.
We should have been champions in 1975 and gave it a good go under Gordon in 77/78 and 78/79.
The gap always looked easily bridgeable.....which Howard eventually proved.
But nowadays they are dwarfing us commercially in a way that never seemed possible even twenty years ago.
Plus you never had wall to wall football in the mainstream media back then.
If they win this title then be prepared or levels of unescapeable unbearability never before dreamed off
The only consolidation is that we are not alone in our dread of the oncoming horror.
Seems most other fans are too.
Know what you mean....but they can still get stuffed !!