One of the biggest reasons for their disgusting behaviour is that a massive number of them legitimately don't know how to behave as a football fan or what it even means. They've never (or hardly ever beyond maybe a stadium tour or a one off game) set foot in a football ground in their lives, they've never traveled the country following their team. They've never done much more then buy the latest shirt, get a flag to hang in the window prior to a big game and very occasionally go the pub to watch a cup final. They don't know any match going reds to talk with and the only the reds they ever do chat to on social media are exactly like them. This is why they buy into all the silly slogans and catchphrases, its why the act to stupid, they think its the norm because other idiots who also don't have a clue told them so. They think that acting like an escaped patient from a mental institution is the same as being passionate because they don't have a clue how real passion from real football fans works.