Saw this gem on Facebook:
A LIVERPOOL FAN didn’t fire anything at one of the City’s most beloved landmarks, and neither did a football fan – an absolute whopper did.
You see, some Evertonians have been using what happened down at the Pier Head to fuel their anti-LFC agenda.
If we let the actions of a small number of idiots be the basis we judge a whole fan-base on, then perhaps all Everton fans are xenophobes…
Less than 12 months ago, a fan of the Blues admitted to committing a hate crime against Liverpool player Mohamed Salah, as per this Echo report.
So are all Everton fans xenophobes? Of course not! Why then, when one or two idiots act up, should an entire fan-base be painted with one brush?
Absolute classic RS response here, he’s not really a Liverpool fan, youse have fans who do bad things, etc etc. One of the comments below this then points out that the guy is apparently from Scarisbrick (so conveniently a wool for the purposes of their argument) and “might” be an Everton fan.
No mention on the status of the thousands of fans out breaking social distancing rules during a pandemic and whether they can be classed as Liverpool fans, nor indeed those jumping on police vans or engaging in other streetbound violence, I note.