I was unfortunately walking the dog In Stanley Park on Thursday just after the result came through. The fireworks were ridiculous, but this is the first one I’ve had that doesn't flinch. Think I reacted more than him. God knows where they are getting the things they’re letting off, but not run of the mill for sure.Even my dog hates them now
After two nights of fireworks, were she was a trembling wreck. I swear any dog with any name that has a link to anything relating to them... I honestly think she will attack them
The Merseyside Mujahideen
Simon Hughes, Tony Evans and the Spirit of Shameful lot peddling the line that Joe Anderson was wrong to warn of the Kopite riots "because he issued the warning when everyone was still observing social distancing" shows them up for the pathetic bunch of desperate wallopers they are.
They were all giving Anderson stick, and they dont have the decency to hold their hands up and say he was correct.
Utter scum.
"Why are we avin a lokkkkkdown lad? Eh Fat Joe, if yood dun yer job an' stopped us riotin' an dat we cudda still been avin a bevvy now, yer bitter get".
On fire today Davek - Spirit of shameful - quality mate - hahahaha!
The Merseyside Mujahedeen is the best name I have ever heard for them - hope you don't mind if I steal these!
You've found your Happy Place in this thread Dave lol lol
Was just thinking the same, he's been like a dog with 2 dîcks today.You've found your Happy Place in this thread Dave lol lol
Simon Hughes, Tony Evans and the Spirit of Shameful lot peddling the line that Joe Anderson was wrong to warn of the Kopite riots "because he issued the warning when everyone was still observing social distancing" shows them up for the pathetic bunch of desperate wallopers they are.
They were all giving Anderson stick, and they dont have the decency to hold their hands up and say he was correct.
Utter scum.
It's like his account has been hacked lolWas just thinking the same, he's been like a dog with 2 dîcks today.
I like happy Dave
And I got grief for saying Dave is the pound for pound champ of GOT...Merseyside Mujahedeen goes right up there with "Walton Luftwaffe" when fans were flying planes over the ground lol
Everton Transfer Thread 2016
There's no way this summer's inactivity can be sugar coated, I'm afraid. Beyond all the Pollyanna stuff about 'new dawns' and 'pages being turned' off-field, we are in a very familiar summer holding pattern. If this was happening under Kenwright's sole control the Walton Luftwaffe wouldn't have...www.grandoldteam.com