So Bernado's comment was 'an extraordinary rant'? Seriously? Have these people ever SEEN a rant?
Liverpool FC are a complete blight on the face of modern football, and have been for fifty years now, though they are getting worse with every passing year. Their players and management have consistently been unpleasant, spoilt, entitled individuals, with notable exceptions such as the vile Gerrard, Carragher, Suarez and Van Dijk so worthy of contemptuous loathing that the word 'unpleasant' would merely serve to paint a veneer of respectability on them. I could not loathe them more if they burrowed their way to my house, emerged into the garden via mole tunnels, and kicked my dogs up the arse.
The fans, or should I say 'customers' are worse. They have regularly murdered their way across the length and breadth of Europe for four decades, we know that, and they have absolved themselves of all responsibility, even when they clearly have some, in such a smug and oily way that being run over by a steamroller would only be enough punishment if it was from the feet first.
I despise everything - everything - about the club from top to bottom, and even if we remain hopeless my life can still take joy from misfortunes being piled upon them. My late father once memorably told me that if Jesus Christ and ten of the apostles lined up for Liverpool, he'd still cheer on the opposition. I took delight in repeating that when I delivered his Eulogy. On the altar. Wearing an EFC shirt.
Lurkers on here let it be known. This not 'banter'. I hate you and all you stand for.
That's a rant. Though, like Bernado's quite reasonable comment, it is all absolutely accurate...