The reality is the season is going to have to be void, I really don't understand why the RS don't understand this. Playing behind closed doors isn't going to work, because you'll still have large numbers of people either wanting to watch it in pubs or you'll have the usual idiotic RS who will turn up to let off flares or welcome them to grounds. Also clubs fighting relegation aren't going to want to play behind closed doors, because it destroys their home advantage. We don't have a clue when this is going to stop, when the a Tory government shut down pubs and restaurants and other things you know it's serious. All these idiotic RS, talking about how is isn't fair if they void the season, think of people who are ill and dying. Think of all the people who may have lost jobs, who have spent money of holidays and things of that nature. Even if they didn't win it this season, a sensible person would just say there's more important things going on in the world. I'm not aware of any other clubs fans in Europe who are top of the league moaning about how they're not going to win the league.