I love how their fans all still cracking on as though the title race isn’t over yet. They’re trying to create a narrative that it’s some miraculous sporting achievement against all the odds.
I think the fact that just about everyone in the football world has , for at least the last month, acknowledged that they’re going to walk away with the league has made it all feel a bit underwhelming for them. So when they come to rub it in every bodies face when it’s mathematically confirmed and all the lurkers on here post their end game celebrations , no one is going to be all that arsed. With them been the narcissistic show off bellends that they are, this will really eat away at them. Just like the fake Covid title. We’d better make sure we put extra security on the stadium when it’s parade day.
Yep, my missus said yesterday "do you think I can start celebrating yet?". I said yes, just like you could last week, the week before, the week before that and the month before that too.
Basically ensure you tell them it's been the most one sided, boring, rigged title race for years and it boils there piss ever so nicely.
This isn't one of those league title wins where they've been amazing like an Arsenal invincibles and you say "fair play, they've been outstanding". Neither has it been a season where you've gone toe to toe with a stellar rival like Man City and pipped them on the final day.
Nope, this title will show them about 25pts ahead if their nearest rivals Notts Forest and probably Bournemouth or Brighton in the CL places. This title will show the race was won by November. This title will show usual rivals such as Utd and City having their worst ever seasons for about the last 15-20 years.
This title will still show that they needed additional assistance to help them get rhe job done by winning about 15 penalties and getting away with not getting players sent off week in week out.
Let them have their title win, I wouldn't even be arsed if they win the league cup or CL either.
No matter how arsed you are, don't ever show them how arsed you are because it's that what boils their piss more than anything.
Let's go to the Pit at the start of April and take 3 points off them