I don't understand why you've suddenly got upset over this one photo in particular. These mock up photographs are parodies of the absurd, grotesque, mawkish self promoting displays of LFC in the USA tastelessly merchandising themselves in the name of empathy and sympathy. Weve all enjoyed rightly laying into them over this and had a good skit and indeed a bloody good laugh. However you've missed the point as no slur or sarcasm was intended against JFK, the Directors of Titanic, any aged surviving cast members of "Up Pompeii"who may have seen the last post-eruption photo or indeed the many progeny of Skippy who may have seen the Kangaroo RTA victim... and any others involved in all the photos. Id hazard a guess that if any, more concern was expressed by some US citizens over a football club using a photo opportunity to project themselves grinning with their shirts in the name of a US tragedy. Feeling and humanity manifest themselves in many ways you know...even on a football forum.