Adolf Hinesy's response:
"Well I haven't deleted any posts and I'm not really bothered about deleting them. However, I can only see a couple of posts deleted, one of which asked if my letter was a joke, and my answer is no, its not. I write from the heart about football, not from the factual world, nor am I a cynic and I will happily stand up for my thoughts and the fact I have the nerve to post them, up for ridicule or praise, frankly it really doesn't matter to me.
What does matter to me is that I'd like to welcome a player to our club who has been ridiculed by the press and say I'm glad you're playing for us and best of luck mate. Too many men are scared of being open with their emotions, that's a shame I think. Personally of course, just in my opinion..."
and some minion:
"You mean they may think they're(L'pool fans) are articulate and can put their thoughts into words? Ye, they must be having a right [Poor language removed] laugh at that.
And you really give a flying [Poor language removed] on what some gobshite manc, cockney or geordie thinks? Dead scouse that la.
Bottom line is soft lad - if you don't like it yourself, then you know where the [Poor language removed] door is."