The substitutions from Rodgers today was a complete disgrace!!! I’m not a fan of Lovren but to play friggin Johnson instead is a diabolical decision!! I implore everyone to pause the goal conceded just before the ball is crossed in for their goal. Look at where useless Johnson is stood!! Wrong side of his man before a ball is even kicked. Then joke Balo does the same and low and behold free header. Seriously the entire game changed on sahko’s injury. Johnson was a total disgrace in absolutely everything he did. Beaten non stop didn’t even try to recover or mark anybody ever! As for the last decision to take off Moreno and put on LAMBERT…!!!!! What??? Lallana sat there, a game crying out for his creativity and sharp mind! But not only bringing the wrong player on, he takes off a player full of pace and energy in a wide area, puts on a lump in Lambert with no energy ever. The absolute worse decision still was to replace the wide area where Moreno was with….LUCAS!! Lucas had given everything – had absolutely no energy and for as long as he lives he will NEVER BE A WIDE PLAYER! Furthermore taking another mobile high energy pacey player off the field when all the players legs are deserting them he takes off Markovic for Balo!!! A guy that even with a rocket up his a$$ wouldn’t break a sweat! Yet no worries, Hendo, Lucas and Gerrard all with no pace or legs left – they all stay on that field. That was a dreadful last 15mins and all due to Rodgers! No other words for it. Despicable decisions at a time where a manager really earns their corn!