Mate not one of them have the balls to actaully ask the Solomon Grundy poster why he made an account on here, pretended to be an Evertonian when posting and said he had personally 'as an Everton fan' seen fellow evertonians holding up copies of the sun at a game in order to mock them over Hillsborough, basically on RAWK they presumably think its ok for one of their biggest posters on the site to lie and use Hillsborough in this way, Any of their lurkers reading this, go on have some balls and directly ask that poster why he did what he did - creating a fake account, pretending to be a everton fan, make numerous posts saying he had seen everton fans doing insulting things about Hillsborough, just ask the bloke and see what excuse he has for it.
Prediciton - not one of them will have the balls to confront him about this, and can tell you right now, any proper Liverpool fan from the city would smash him all over the shop for something like that, pathethic excuse for a man