Really don't like the sound of that Chinese buyout.
I don't know if you read
Private Eye, but there is a very good article in the latest issue (#1425) about the current trend of Chinese investment in football (since last year Chinese owners / investors have got into Villa, Birmingham, WBA, Inter Milan, Atletico Madrid, Man City and now look to "invest" in Hull and the great unclean ones).
Basically it points out a few things:
i) very little is known about the actual strength of many of these bidders, what resources they have, who is actually behind them and even the qualities of the men fronting the bids (the new WBA owner was described as "virtually unknown" by one website aimed at Chinese sports, for instance).
ii) all of the recent splurge of investment is linked to a call from the current Chinese leadership to get more involved in football, which is fine whilst it lasts but does not indicate a long term plan, and in any case those involved all run the risk of falling out of favour at home.
iii) the Chinese economy is so opaque, there is so much graft / "unusual" practices* and is running at such a colossal level of risk at the moment, that it is somewhat odd what they actually bring to many of these deals apart from the promise of money.
* to us rather than those in the City