The best part of all this bitterness and jealousy from Everton, is that Liverpool FC was born out of bitterness and revenge. When Everton wouldn't bow down to the demands of John Houlding and his rent prices. Kind of funny when you think about it, many years later Liverpool bullied tenants out of their houses to build a conservatory on their house.
Lets just take the above in for a second, swerve the murderers shouts, swerve the Kopite's are gob.... you know the drill, just present them with cold hard facts. Liverpool Football Club was born out of bitterness. This is not my opinion, this is fact. More of a fact than fat Rafael can ever imagine. Lets all end this toxic rivalry and base it on facts. Liverpool are the more successful club FACT. Born from bitterness. FACT. You cant take one without the other.