Battle of the Ego's begins. This may need its own thread in future months. First press conference will be a love in; mutual respect about how the ouija board will be played. Media will fall over themselves, red rags will cream themselves over the Dream Team.
Then we'll see the usual sly unofficial sources quoting disharmony in the camp, but rebuffed by the usual more money, more time mantra. Idiots like Murphy, Thompson, Mellor, Owen, Carragner, Houghton will say nothing as the circus unfolds before them, It'll be a slow burn at first, but one definitely to watch. No way will Stevie Me accept a low profile - mark my words - he already has eyes on the main prize. Remember the joint venture of Houllier helping the hapless Evans...we all knew. Same situation here, but both have ego's that big it can't end well.