Perfectly fine to have a grievance. That's not what's been going on today though from some quarters. As I originally stated, we had a few fans acting like morons. One in particular has already been identified and been banned by the club. I just don't understand why people feel the need to essentially come out and say "not as bad as heysel though is it ay ay". The fan was an idiot. He's receiving his punishment. That's the end of it.
If you want to talk about the unfair impact Heysel had on English clubs, especially ours, then believe me I'm totally with you. I just think utilising such an incident to have a pop is disrespectful and unecessary. We're getting a bit of stick from fans all across the country due to one of ours holding his child whilst throwing really lame punches at an opposition player- that's just comical really. We just have to take this one on the chin and laugh at it rather than be so defensive.