Won't somebody think of the children?
It's been at the stage for a while now where I don't want the player out of Liverpool because he's good for the club, I want the player out of the Premier League because he's bad for football.
Dad barred from son's school after biting headmistress in 'Luis Suarez-style' attack
seriously, why the [Poor language removed] didn't FIFA give him a life time ban? there are a heck of a lot disturbing people out there, his antics are consistantly giving them material for unnacceptable things, suarez is constantly doing gastly acts and FIFA letting it continue in the public eye, what are they doing?
Dad barred from son's school after biting headmistress in 'Luis Suarez-style' attack
seriously, why the [Poor language removed] didn't FIFA give him a life time ban? there are a heck of a lot disturbing people out there, his antics are consistantly giving them material for unnacceptable things, suarez is constantly doing gastly acts and FIFA letting it continue in the public eye, what are they doing?
I'd like to see Liverpool have to keep Suarez now. I never would have dreamt saying that last season, but he's so toxic he'll ruin them.
Unfortunately it looks like he'll get his big break granted to him and he'll go and get a dream move to a massive club.
Yeah, he's defo set off a lot of devices that make it almost impossible for Liverpool to keep him.Was thinking the same myself. The rat has reverted to type though as it would seem once again hes been angling away from them ...as he did to them over the last two "misdemeanours".....
Suarez may even choose to stay away from the country altogether and there are serious doubts about whether he will want to return to England while he is banned. Even before his bite, the player had shown clear signs of wanting to quit the Premier League.
He and his family left their home in Woolton, Liverpool as soon as the final ball had been kicked at the end of the Premier League season in May.
By the time Suarez was awarded the prestigious Football Writers’ Footballer of the Year in London four days after the end of the league season, the 27-year-old was already in Barcelona where his in-laws live.
The trophy was collected by Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers instead.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/worldcup2014/article-2673499/Luis-Suarez-embarrassed-Liverpool-feeble-defence-biting-incident-set-offloaded-Barcelona.html#ixzz361fMutMh
Yeah, he's defo set off a lot of devices that make it almost impossible for Liverpool to keep him.
I just wonder who leaked the burnley friendly game incident when Suarez butted a kid. The timing of that coming to light is very suspicious.