Eddie Kavanagh

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Wonderful man. Fanatical blue. Legend.

great moment. RS v West Ham was voted 2nd as the greatest FA Cup moment if you're watching the same program i saw last night. laughable.
......"he's lost his jacket, he's lost his jacket". A folk hero but I suppose in today's culture he would rightly be given a ban such is the different world we live in.

Worse, the policy of broadcasters today means the cameras would have avoided Eddie and his gallop into Everton folklore and football immorality would never have been seen by the watching millions :(

Nor indeed would that other great pitch invasion, the one featuring the amply endowed Erica Roe, more's the pity :dance:

Worse, the policy of broadcasters today means the cameras would have avoided Eddie and his gallop into Everton folklore and football immorality would never have been seen by the watching millions :(

Nor indeed would that other great pitch invasion, the one featuring the amply endowed Erica Roe, more's the pity :dance:

That first steward who grabbed her loves his job at moments like thatlol

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