We've had some bad luck. The leg breaks in the last ten? years??: Coleman, Oviedo, Gomes, Godfrey, McCarthy. Any other clubs had this many?
Serious knee injuries: Kone, Gbamin, Bolassie, Coleman?, DCL, Townsend, and possibly more that I can't remember.
I think our run of the mill injuries are no worse than anybody else though. Once you get a bit of bad luck with the bad ones though. and then factor in that injuries occur all the time anyway. and it will start to look like there's an issue.
Anyway, you guys are mental lol I've been taking a well deserved break from all things Everton, and trying not to spend too much time thinking or talking about us. Doesn't always work like, as evidenced by me now posting, but what's inspired this thread? What have I missed? Or should I ask, who's still got 2 legs?