A polite reminder to ask all to kindly refrain from using the Everton crest on GrandOldTeam.
We're not allowed to have it displayed anywhere on the website;
Prior establishing the website, we did seek (and was granted) permission to display the Clubs crest but we'd still be routinely threatend by legal teams. On one occasion, our host was contacted and the website forcefully removed - incurring a fee. Our Facebook page was also blocked for this very reason - it took us a year for the account ban to be lifted.
The decision was made that it's considerably easier to comply with the advice cited above - "post a message to members warning them of the issues in question".
This advice has invoked abuse towards the Club in the past - "The Club are this, this and this...", but by all accounts the Club would allow us to feature the crest, but their legal teams wont.
We're not allowed to have it displayed anywhere on the website;
Our client has highlighted Player/Match Action Images, Club Crests and Fixtures among the posts and as member’s avatar’s in your forum http://www.grandoldteam.com/forum
I understand that due to the huge number of posts the tracking and removing of infringing images would prove difficult and very time consuming to perform.
A suggestion I have made with other football forums, is that when you do come across new images please take steps to remove them, but I would be grateful if you could post a message to members warning them of the issues in question.
Prior establishing the website, we did seek (and was granted) permission to display the Clubs crest but we'd still be routinely threatend by legal teams. On one occasion, our host was contacted and the website forcefully removed - incurring a fee. Our Facebook page was also blocked for this very reason - it took us a year for the account ban to be lifted.
The decision was made that it's considerably easier to comply with the advice cited above - "post a message to members warning them of the issues in question".
This advice has invoked abuse towards the Club in the past - "The Club are this, this and this...", but by all accounts the Club would allow us to feature the crest, but their legal teams wont.