Everton fan banned from Goodison for racially abusing Ric Wee on Twitter

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This person has threatened legal action if we don't remove this thread.

I've just had to explain that the picture a fan has posted on here is embedding his own actual tweet.

Clearly not the brightest bulb...

It's really funny - after being so cocky after being banned, he's clearly got frightened. He changed his twitter name and he's also made his new Twitter name protected so only followers can read it. Maybe the seriousness of the situation has finally dawned on him!
Posted his letter of his banning on Twitter like it was a badge of pride or some such.

Gotta be mental to think that getting that letter was a "cool" thing. Embarrassing more than anything.

Well done Everton Football Club.
Look end of the day rick wee is an Everton fan. Some so called fan gave him abuse for no reason and has now been banned for it.

If you ask me I'm happy fans like that aren't allowed near the ground.

The best thing he can do is to apologise. Really, he can win a ounce of credibility for admitting being a massive bellend.
I am outraged at this "fan" and applaud Everton Football Club for banning this monster from our club

Let us all hold hands and pray for poor Ric Wee

Ryan Brown ‏@_RyBrown 52m
@ric_wee I hope to god you never come to Everton again, absolute waste of space you.


Wow lost for words at how some people are so idiotic. What on earth has Ric Wee done apart from travel half way round the world to watch a match that was cancelled...Must be a bad melt for that, insane.

Good on the Club for showing him a bit of hospitality, that isn't his fault though. Pathetic behaviour.

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