Jesus lad have a cup of coffee and calm downHere he is bills mate, what did you watch last night mate, the 7th placed finish dvd.
when that guy who came out of Wembley after the Utd defeat in 2016. And said most of the fans are like the board no ambition, he obviously was taking about you.
You’re world champion at no ambition
Unlike a lot on here I have seen Everton win the league )4 times in my lifetime )win the FA cup (3 times in my lifetime )win a cup in Europe
I have probably more ambition in m little toe than you have in your whole body because I have seen the rewards
I am not saying giving those players new contracts is what I want to see happen but financial constraints will dictate otherwise
We will not be in position financially to have 23 top class players in our squad
As for Bills mate I detest the man
To quote Del Boy
You sir are a plonker