Top clubs wanting him says it all
He's a cracking player
Sadly I don't think we'll get him now
Should have put a proper bid in before the bigger clubs started circling
I think this is being led by Celtic mate, if I'm honest. If any of those teams wanted him and were in any way serious about it, an offer of 25 million quid would have been in by now. That is not huge money for most of them and they could have had him for the start of pre-season. Given how many each club will have at the World Cup I find it odd that they wait until mid July to suddenly make a move for him.
I don't doubt he will be on their radar and there may well be a possibility that an offer is put in at some point, however I don't think they are desperate to do the deal at the price Celtic want as is being suggested.
Everton have put an offer in for the player, the stumbling block appears to be how the values are paid. Given our cash flow challenges this summer I can fully understand why paying 25 million in one hit may not be possible.
For whatever reason I feel Celtic are very keen to move the lad on. There is probably some acceptance that he may have developed as much as he can there and his value may start to decrease if he stays much beyond this summer. They are a smart club and have become adept at moving players on at the right time to bring others in.
If Everton cannot do a deal for Digne and Silva is not suitably impressed by Baines (and more likely Robinson) I can see Everton re-emerging later in the window and maybe calling Celtic's bluff a bit.
The other caveat in all of this, is Brands is clearly trying to re-establish Everton's role in the market as a a good negotiator from that of a soft touch. I think thats fair enough and will benefit the club long term.