Homepage Update: Everton Sack Sam Allardyce

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I couldn't give a rattling sh1t what fans of other clubs think.I'd rather for us to be hated for being cold calculated and clinical winners, than being loved for being a bunch of loveable losers, who are happy enough with mediocrity!Anyway it was those two duds Ronald Koeman and Steve Walsh who ruined our season.I mean at one point in the season, we were resembling Villa in that season they went down.The likes of Southampton were wiping the floor with us.We were getting hammered by bum Italian outfits in europe.We were an absolute shambles.

That is what Allardyce inherited.But as soon as he arrived he got us organised, got us winning matches and we shot right up the table.Sadly after that initial first month, Allardyces limitations were exposed.It all went downhill rapidly after we went out of the FA Cup to that other lot.The football started to become increasingly dire, the manager started talking rubbish in interviews, and in the end we were all feeling pretty numb after the whole ordeal.

Still though Allardyce was bought in to do a job, and i am grateful to him for doing that job.Let's face it when we were hammered down below in Southampton, we would have snapped someones hand off there and then, if we were offered 8th place come the end of the season.But he just isn't the manager to help us win trophies, or the manager to help us rejoin the elite.

He just isn't a manager for attacking football, and attractive attacking football is the DNA of this football club.Allardyce was a short term appointment, but he did an alright job considering the mess that he inherited.Now the next managerial appointment is crucial, and it's looking like it will be Marco Silva.If get's us playing attractive football, and if we see an Everton side play with fight and passion every week, then we'll all be happy.If we get this wrong, then serious damage could be caused to this football club.The next managerial appointment will make or break us imo.
Maybe we should become Scouse Millwall.

No-one likes us. We don't care.
Great article in The Guardian if one can bear to read it.

Wretched football, erroneous boasts: Sam Allardyce was an Everton misfit

Allardyce’s sacking ends an ill-judged tenure which confirmed he is a survival specialist but had not one impressive display

Andy Hunter
Sam Allardyce’s dismissal by Everton does not rectify the serious drift at a club searching for a fourth management team in eight months. Photograph: Mike Egerton/PA
It was overshadowed at the time by his tales of Romelu Lukaku and voodoo, late‑night calls from Jim White and Ross Barkley’s contract demands, but even now, four months on, it is staggering to recall Farhad Moshiri telling Everton’s AGM he decided to give Sam Allardyce the most important job at the club after reading the former England manager’s autobiography. No Evertonian at the Philharmonic Hall in January needed to flick through Big Sam to confirm suspicions the latest chapter would end acrimoniously and swiftly. His was a desperate and ill-judged appointment, and his removal alone will not rectify the serious drift at Goodison Park.

Allardyce leaves Everton after six miserable months with his reputation as a survival specialist intact. Therein lies the failure. Everton, as the 63-year‑old admitted when installed as Ronald Koeman’s replacement in November, represented the best opportunity of his club career to shatter preconceptions about his management style.

He succeeded only in confirming they were legitimate. Wretched football on a weekly basis, taking responsibility for victory while abdicating it in defeat and an arrogant dismissal of supporters were not the basis for building consensus or hope for the future. Not that the Everton hierarchy have delivered on that score.

Yes, Allardyce inherited a weak squad that, one year after the costliest recruitment drive in Everton’s history – costly in every sense – is in need of major reconstruction. But it was a squad clear from relegation danger by Christmas after a seven-game unbeaten start to his reign. Allardyce had five months to implement improvements in style, performance and results while showing he was invested in Everton for the long term. He did not deliver on any count. The anaemic defeat at West Ham last Sunday, coming after the manager had given players several days off in the buildup, was a fitting farewell to an appalling season from all concerned.

In fairness to those who ignored Allardyce’s unsuitability and oversaw the unpopular appointment, there was a sensible economic reason for seeking insurance when the team floundered earlier in the season. Those behind the decision were Moshiri, the then director of football, Steve Walsh, and the directors Alexander Ryazantsev and Keith Harris, who were promoted to chief finance and commercial officer and deputy chairman, respectively, on Tuesday.

Everton’s unexpected regression on the pitch coincided with the club negotiating with Liverpool city council and global financial institutions for the £500m required to build a new stadium at Bramley Moore dock. The strength of Everton’s case to lenders is based, in part, on being a safe Premier League concern that has been ever-present in the top flight since 1954. This was not the season to demonstrate the fragility of that proud record by even flirting with relegation. Progress has been slow on the project that will define Moshiri’s legacy, however, when it could have strengthened the case for Allardyce’s appointment in the short term. The council is yet to sign off a proposed £280m loan that could generate a profit of £7m a year in interest for the austerity-battered authority over 25 years.
Allardyce’s detractors have argued Everton were never seriously in peril and his claim to have inherited “chaos” from a caretaker manager in David Unsworth who was “struggling to cope” was part of a self-serving PR strategy. There is an element of truth to both sides. Everton were 13th but only five points above the relegation zone following Unsworth’s final game in charge, a 4-0 victory over West Ham that Allardyce shamelessly claimed as his own. That and many other erroneous boasts fuelled supporters’ antagonism as much as football devoid of joy or entertainment.

One undeniable statistic favoured by the former Everton manager pinpointed his impact. Everton conceded an alarming 27 goals in the 10 games before Allardyce’s arrival (he would insist nine games on account of West Ham) but the same amount over the next 20. Defensive organisation apart, his average points return over 24 Premier League matches was almost identical to Unsworth’s over five – 1.41 per game compared with 1.4 under the club’s under-23s manager. And there was not one impressive performance among them. His tenure will be remembered instead, if at all, for attempting to bring on a defensive midfielder, Morgan Schneiderlin, at 0-0 against Watford, only to summon a striker when Troy Deeney scored what proved the winner; for being content with a point at Swansea; for having the second-lowest number of shots on target in the Premier League season; and a style of play that one rival manager branded “Conference football” following a game at Goodison.

Allardyce talked frequently of planning for next season but never convinced anyone that Everton was anything other than one brief, lucrative and possibly final job. He was up against it from the start in that respect. Moshiri initially offered him a six-month contract having been unable to prise Marco Silva from Watford. It took five weeks, culminating in a 5-1 home defeat by Atalanta and a 4-1 loss at Southampton in the space of four calamitous days, before the major shareholder bowed to Allardyce’s demands for an 18-month deal without a break clause. The manager would become a magnet for disenchantment among supporters fed mediocrity under Bill Kenwright’s ownership and now a lack of vision on the pitch under Moshiri. But Allardyce was emblematic of a deeper malaise at Everton, one the club’s board have to correct this summer.The club exposed Allardyce to ridicule with the survey that asked club members to rate his performance on a scale of zero to 10. It may have been a wide-ranging survey, it may have been a repeat of last year’s exercise under Koeman, but its publication this year, when Allardyce was regularly being told where to go during away games, reflected the leadership vacuum in a business getting the small details wrong.

The Monaco-based Moshiri is expected to acquire a majority stake in Everton soon and can ill-afford his third managerial failure with the team regressing from the top six and the stadium vision yet to take shape. The rate of change occurring at Goodison is recognition of the need for improvement. PSV Eindhoven’s technical director, Marcel Brands, has been appointed as the new director of football in place of Walsh, who presided over a disastrous recruitment policy and will leave. The deputy chief executive, Denise Barrett‑Baxendale, has been confirmed as Robert Elstone’s replacement, with the chief executive switching sports to Super League after 13 years. The growing influence of Harris and Ryazantsev behind the scenes was also recognised in Tuesday’s executive restructure.

That leaves the not insignificant matters of a stadium finance deal and a fourth management team in eight months to be resolved. Everton are relieved of Allardyce but in many respects are also back to square one.

Did his job. Not the job we wanted. £65,000 a day for 7 months. Wow. I thought Sammy Lee actually got into being Everton rather more.

Good luck to the lot of them

Interesting day after a clean sweep. Hoping Mosh still has deep pockets. And that Silva is up to the badge.
Apparently 'everyone hates us' now because we were so mean to poor Sam. As if any of them would want to watch the dross we've had to put up with this season.

I'm so sick of us being expected to be Plucky Little Everton and not want to actually achieve something.

I know that we're not allowed to suggest that the media favour certain teams but..........universally they seem to be on a crusade to condemn Everton for sacking Allardyce. It's as if, to a man, the pundits are instructed on what to say. We even had to endure Hoddle (whilst summarising on the Soton game) commenting over and over that we should consider ourselves lucky given that Stoke went down and Sam saved us. His argument was that staying up is the be all and end all. Football is not about enjoying a good, entertaining game. It's about survival. Coming from a football neanderthal these comments would not be unexpected but these were from a football artist. I just can't believe that they were really his words.
Of course, uneducated football followers lap it up then rinse and repeat.
Ive just heard he tried to steal a big jug of gravy on his way out he caught him and called the pigs and he has his gravy taken off him Hahahaha take that Sam you gravy chugging fat man !!!!!! lol

I hope we replace Big Sam with Silva. I really liked what he did at Hull. Very nearly keeping up one of the worst squads in Premier League history was impressive, as was the feat of guiding Hull to victory over Man Utd in the first leg of the League Cup semi-final. And as others have mentioned he did well to guide Sporting to their first major trophy in seven years.

However, for me it's his record at Olympiacos that's most impressive. Under his stewardship they won their first SEVENTEEN domestic matches of the 2015/16 season, eventually winning the Greek title (Superleague Greece) with ease. They also trounced Arsenal in the Champions League.

Cracking young manager.

He was never going to succeed at Watford. They're a small club with no money.
Don't see how Sam can play victim - look at what he has earned from being sacked:

However, Allardyce has six million reasons to feel upbeat after receiving another tasty pay-off to add to his collection.

Big Sam pocketed a stunning £6m after being told to pack his bags
The extra £6million in his bank account means Allardyce has now received an incredible £13.5m from clubs throughout his career.

In total, Allardyce raked in £11m for his 167-day stint as Everton boss - which works out at an incredible £65,868 PER DAY.

The FA handed over £1m when he was let go by England in 2016 – despite being caught on camera allegedly advising undercover reporters how to breach rules on third-party ownership.

Allardyce banked £2.5m when he was sacked by Blackburn Rovers in 2010, while just two years before receiving £4m from Newcastle – allowing him to invest in a stunning Spanish mansion.

And back in 1996, Allardyce was paid £10,000 to leave Blackpool after they missed out on promotion to League One by a single point.

His gravy boat overfloweth. Big Fat Sam - the Bisto King.

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