It's been a weird summer. It was always probably going to be weird because of such a massive shift in resources, personnel, and expectations. I've been prone to dreaming of the lottery ticket scenario where a who's who of names landed win us and we began to simply cruise to top of the table. The reality has certainly not been that--as we've learned hard lessons about how having money, a great manager, and even an accomplished DoF can't erase the damage that years and years of underperformance and general mediocrity have done to the outside perception of Everton to many top players--especially continental players who've been bombarded with the same 4-5 English teams they see playing in CL every year.
And while we like to explain it away as simply that some other team can offer CL and we can't, it's more than that. Years of poor performance has damaged the brand of Everton. And while we can roll our eyes at concepts like "brand", it certainly matters in the fine margins of competing for high end players in a high end market that--let's face it--we're newcomers to.
Having said all that, it seems apparent the effort and the right pieces are being put into place. Koeman was always going to be the most significant piece added and the financial investment and endeavor to get him here has already changed the mindset of the club, the players, and the supporters. Even if we made no more acquisitions before next Wednesday (which I HIGHLY doubt), this roster is already in a far better place than it was across the board. The biggest vulnerability is that we need more quality to handle inevitable injuries and I'm hopeful to see more added. But I suppose my major point is that while I've had my days of frustration during this new era and new process, I've never been more optimistic about the future of our club. This doesn't mean I won't curse getting jilted at the altar by some player over the next few days, but now it won't be because I think we're being cheap or have incompetent people running the operation. It'll be because we're now tasting what it's like to be at the big table in terms of player recruitment. We'll win some. We'll lose some. But it's great to finally be in the game. It's where Everton belongs.