Depressing this.... (what you ask? THE WHOLE FLIPPING THING)
Truly I never thought the delusions of grandeur would come about, but I had higher hopes than this.
Have to say, those who said nothing has changed are being proven correct.
It's not net spend that gets me bothered. BUT if we have wasted the opportunity gained by selling Stones to increase the wage bill then that is a shame. With the sale of Stones and the TV money there should be at least 40-50M to buy some players. I refuse to believe that we could not have found a couple of quality 20-25M players who would have come. All efforts should have gone to signing Kone, Gabbiadini or even Sissokio weeks ago.
We screwed around dithering with Napoli over 5M. Should have offered them 27M and been done with it. Would rather paid 2M extra and had Gabbiadini than screwing around with it and getting Valencia....