I'm not sure he puts in the necessary defensive shift that was required today.
Posted a short while ago, I dont think you can afford the luxury of a player as weak as him in winning the ball. Richie was well off form tonight but his sheer tenacity meant he never put us in danger.James often does. He is a talent, but for the right games or times in a game, not auto 1st choiceDon’t hate me. But would James have put that shift in? Would we likely of had a clean sheet with him playing?
Oh Dave ffs..Three points taken off Liverpool's main title rival. They;re celebrating tonight, make no mistake about that.
Watch us lose against Leicester and the rest of the trash.
Disagree I think we would of got totally run ragged today if James was playingYou’re probably right, but, I reckon we don’t win that game 9 times out of 10 so wouldn’t focus too much on James - just a good effort in front of the fans!
We will, and we've handed Liverpool a leg up.
Three points taken off Liverpool's main title rival. They;re celebrating tonight, make no mistake about that.
Watch us lose against Leicester and the rest of the trash.
Oh, I am very happy...and glad my prematch strategy worked. I know the players all follow my comments on here and my deliberate winding them up succeeded in getting a tune out of them. I feel in no small part, I contributed massively toward that win and so, quite rightly, I feel very happy...and proud of myself.Don’t! Just be happy!