I voted for Bernard for being on the pitch the shortest amount of timeCan we have a none of the above option ?
Our season was over after Newcastle, certainly the PL part of it
We'll turn up against City. Fight hard, get a plucky loss.Best news - we can go into the Derby without those frequent Delusions of Grandeur after Fulham and City turn us over
Perhaps we should consider selling Everton on 2nd half exchanges - all these 2nd half capitulations at Goodison are becoming monotonous.
davies deserves to be startingHolgate shouldn't be in the starting 11
He's back up at best.
Gomes is finished.
Coleman is finished.
Davies is back up at best
Why were they starting the match?
Every time we get anywhere near an opportunity to impose ourselves on the table.. we blow it - always.Sometimes you feel the EITC charitable foundation is too infused in the culture of this club. We lack anything remotely close to a killer instinct. We just do enough every season and that’s quite fine and acceptable to the hierarchy.